Booking Help

Help on how to navigate the online booking system.

Online Tour

Making a booking

The booking process involves 3 steps. Go to the 'Make a booking' page.

Step 1 – Select an Activity Type
Choose the activity which you want to book from the list of activity types.
Step 2 - Select a Slot
Choose date and time that you would like to make a booking.  
Step 3  – Create a reservation
To complete your reservation, confirm you have read the terms and conditions and select the number of participants.

Your booking will be confirmed on the screen and you will receive a confirmation email.

Manage bookings

The Manage Bookings page displays a list of your confirmed bookings, timings and their location.

Canceling a booking

If you would like to cancel a booking, please select the 'Cancel' option on the Manage Bookings page. You will be asked to confirm to delete the reservation.

Waiting List

If you would like to be added to the waiting list for an activity please select the already booked time slot and  'Add yourself to the waiting list'. Please confirm that you have read the terms and conditions and select your number of participants. You will receive a confirmation email of your waiting list status.

Permit Holder Activities

You need a permit to be able to use the College's Punts and Grand Piano. You will have to apply for access to these resources from the Punting Club or the SCC. Use the online application form. Learn more. 

Applications for permits to punt is processed during office hours. Please note that applications received after 14:00 on Friday will not be processed until the following Monday. 


How can I get a Single-Sign-On?

If you are a Wolfson Common Room Member and you don't have a Single-Sign-On, please contact and they will be able to provide you with one.

Why can't I log in using my Single-Sign-On?

Your Oxford username and password will be used to login to Webauth – this will start a Single Sign-On session. If you can't access the service via the University of Oxford Single-Sign-On system please contact the University IT team. Learn more

Why can't I book a resource?

If your membership has yet to be confirmed you will not be granted access to make a reservation. Please email our Common Room Administrator to confirm your membership status. 

How does the waitinglist work?

You can add yourself to the waiting list of an already booked activity type. If the slot becomes available through cancellation, and you are the first person on the waiting list, you will receive a confirmation of your booking.

I have a punt permit but I can't book a punt?

If already have a punt permit but are unable to view the punt schedule, please fill in the online application form and email to confirm that you have a license.